
Payment Plans & Options...

Select an appropriate plan for your schedule and budget...

All services are the same price......
Develop an ideal plan for your needs......

Payment methods accepted......
Cash...Check...Mastercard...VISA...American Express...and Discover...
PayPal...Venmo...CashApp...Zelle...and more options...
Check to see if your preferred method of payment is available...

Here is a price guide for On-Site sessions, House-Call sessions, and 30-Day Packages...

Call for an address and directions to a designated on-site location in Troy, Michigan...

House-call rates are determined by distance and travel time from Royal Oak 48073 and Troy 48098 areas.....

There may be an additional per-session travel charge depending on the location...

Rates can also occasionally be modified under certain circumstances...

Call for an up-to-date price quote...

Fitness Evaluations...
Health Coaching Assessments...
Follow-Up Progress Reports...
...with the purchase of any 30-day package...
($50 Value)...

Provide your email...if you would like to be notified of other special offers...


Monthly discount packages must be completed within 30 days of the purchase date......
however, you may roll over any unused sessions into your next purchase if you need an extension..... 

Troy, Michigan 


Personal Training...
Fitness Evaluation...
Health Coaching...
Massage Therapy...

Half Hour..............$40
1 Hour...................$50
1 & Half Hour........$75
2 Hours................$100 

Fitness Evaluation...
Or Health Coach Assessment....
(2+ Hours).......Only $50

30-Day Discount Packages...

4 Hours........$160...
($40.00 per hour)

8 Hours........$300...
($37.50 per hour)

12 Hours......$400...
($33.33 per hour)

16 Hours......$500...
($31.25 per hour)

20 Hours......$600...
($30.00 per hour) 

Metro Detroit Area


Personal Training...
Fitness Evaluation...
Health Coaching...
Massage Therapy...

Half Hour..............$50
1 Hour...................$60
1 & Half Hour........$90
2 Hours.................$120

Fitness Evaluation...
Or Health Coach Assessment....
(2+ Hours).......Only $60

30-Day Discount Packages...

4 Hours........$200...
($50.00 per hour)

8 Hours........$380...
($47.50 per hour)

12 Hours......$540...
($45.00 per hour)

16 Hours......$680...
($42.50 per hour)

20 Hours......$800...
($40.00 per hour)


* Small Groups
* Pairs
* Families
* Friends
* Teams
* Sports Instruction 
* Co-workers
* Employees
* Boot Camp Programs
* Outdoor Workouts
* Specialty Classes

Share the cost of sessions with another person or small group...

* The goal is to maintain elements of personal training within a class setting.

* You can choose to meet together or at separate sessions.

* Split the cost equally...and reduce the overall cost for yourself.

* Use as a way to get further discounts on any package purchases...All services included.

* Each person can pay their own portion of a package, or however you want to divide it up.

* Each participant is required to complete the initial fitness evaluation.

* Find out if this is an available option for you.

Set Up Your Own
Exercise Class

* Save Money!...
* Meet More Frequently...
* Work Out With People You Know
* Gain Extra Motivation

Classes can be less structured than group personal training plans...

* More payment options and more flexible attendance policies.

* Here are some important questions to ask when forming a class...

* What type of exercise class are you are looking for?

* What is the general fitness level of the participants?

* How often will the class be meeting?

* What days and times are best?

* How many people?

* How do you prefer to pay?...(Per class?...Per person?...By the month?)

* Check the rates in your area to determine how you want to divide costs.


* Holidays
* Birthdays
* Anniversaries
* Graduations
* Prizes Or Rewards
* Job Promotions
* New Or Expecting Mothers
* Bridal Party
* "Thank You" Gifts
* "Get Well" Gifts

Give the gift of wellness..

* Purchase for any dollar amount...or a specific service.

* Order by phone... (586) 530-8298

* Pay by...Cash...Check...Credit Card...

* Gift certificates can be sent in the mail...or emailed to you.

* They may also be picked up...or hand delivered in some cases.

* The certificate becomes active on the date you specify.

* Gift certificates expire 6 months after the date of purchase.

* Discounts are available for multiple purchases.


* Theme Parties
* Pamper Parties
* Bridal Or Baby Showers 
* Bachelorette Parties
* Fairs & Festivals
* Work Site Activities
* Health Promotion Events
* Seminars * Charity Events
* Wellness Retreats
* Athletic Competitions
* Fitness Testing

Reserve a block of time...

* Make arrangements for your unique situation.

*Receive a discount rate when you schedule an event or party.

*Determine how much time you would like to reserve.

* Choose a payment plan...(Per hour?... Per person?...Pay as you go?).

*A small deposit or a minimum fee may be required.

*Call for more information and ideas.