Fitness Evaluation...

Develop a complete program for every aspect of your health and fitness... 

No more one dimensional plans...

Get started today......
(586) 530-8298

* Excellent Value 
* FREE With A Package Purchase
* Conducted Privately - Kept Confidential
* Detailed Consultation & Program Outline

* Diet & Nutrition Recommendations
* Step By Step Exercise Illustrations
* Customized Health & Fitness Handouts
* Receive A Hard Copy Of Your Results
* Regular Progress Reports & Monitoring

The fitness evaluation must be completed before beginning personal training sessions.

* INSTRUCTIONS......Please wear...athletic shoes...shorts...and a tank top shirt for the evaluation...... (No one piece outfits)...

* The following assessments may be included...

* Your Goals
* Family History
* Lifestyle Information
* Injury Risk Factors
* Medications
* Stress Management
* Medical History
* Health Care Maintenance
* Diet & Exercise Habits

* Blood Pressure
* Heart Rate
* Pulse Oximeter
* Target Heart Rate Zone
* Respiration Rate
* Lung Capacity Tests
* Temperature
* Estimated Metabolic Rate 
* Glucose & Ketone Levels
* Body Ph Levels
* Water Retention
* Diet Recommendations
* Height & Weight
* Measurements
* Body Type
* Body Fat % Analysis
* Before & After Photos (Optional)
* Cardiovascular Endurance
* Overall Muscle Strength
* Core Strength
* Functional Fitness Ability
* Balance & Coordination
* Posture & Gait
* Flexibility   
* Sports Specific Testing
* Techniques For Some Sports